Interns of Vox: Boxi

Estelle Ng Avatar

Boxi was an intern with Vox Camerata from May to December 2020.
He was then an undergraduate at a local university.

1. When and why did you intern with Vox Camerata?

I joined the team in May 2020, when [Artistic Director] Shah asked if I am free to help him out with organising some of the choir’s upcoming activities. Since it was a great opportunity for me to gain more working experience, I happily agreed to join the team, helping with sorting out the finances and organising the biannual Sing and Greet in October 2020.

2. What was the most meaningful part about being with Vox Camerata?

It was during the virtual Sing and Greet 2020 (member-recruitment drive) in October, when I saw the hard work that has been put in by the team coming into fruition that was tremendously fulfilling.

3. How did this internship at Vox Camerata help you deepen your understanding of the arts industry in Singapore?

As an intern, I gained greater insight of behind-the-scenes operations that are critical to events that the choir organises, big and small. Contacting vendors for quotes and venues may seem like minutiae, but it did help me to appreciate the wide variety of stakeholders that goes behind every arts organisation’s daily operations.

4. How did the internship benefit your personal and professional development?

Through my work as an intern, I was able to further develop my communication skills, both with my fellow interns and with other stakeholders within and beyond the choir. I am now also better at managing my time, thanks to the training I have had juggling schoolwork and the demands of this internship.

5. How is the experience like interning during the time of pandemic?

It can be frustrating at times, considering that a lot of tried-and-tested ways in which events were conducted needed relooking. However, it helped me to be more resourceful and innovative in seeking new and feasible, albeit less than ideal, solutions in face of the enduring restrictions to performing arts.

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