Humans of Vox part 2: Amanda

Adyll Hardy Avatar

Welcome to Part 2 of the Humans of Vox series 2021. Humans of Vox is a series featuring members who make up Vox Camerata. Do check out Part 1 if you have not. In this post, Amanda shares her experience as a member of the Alto section.

Introduce yourself. What section are you from?

Amanda from Alto section.

What does “Alto” mean?

Typically the Alto section refers to the lower treble (female) voices, but traditionally male singers with the suitable voice range are included too!

How would you describe your section?

Very caring, helpful, a lot of teamwork. We always have snacks at rehearsals ✌🏼

Could you describe what happens during rehearsals?

Rehearsals usually start with some warm-up activity… to prepare our bodies and voices for singing. Then we usually split into our sections for a short practice by parts, and come back to the big group to put all the parts together. At the end of rehearsals, we sit around in a circle to reflect and share a bit about ourselves and what we learnt at this session. This activity is called Circle Time and it is my favourite part of rehearsals 🙂

Amanda on the piano during rehearsal

What is your favourite memory of Vox Camerata Community Choir?

My favourite memory of Vox Camerata was when we went to Brisbane for a choir tour in 2015. We stayed together in serviced apartments, shared rooms, and cooked for one another. We performed in a number of venues and even got to sing together with a church choir in a traditional, cathedral-like church building. It was pretty unforgettable.

Vox Camerata’s Southern Queensland Concert Tour 2015

What is unique about Vox Camerata Community choir?

I would say that Vox Camerata is unique in being open and inclusive, acting as a gateway for non-musicians to learn music and choral singing in a friendly and accessible way. The diversity of people in Vox and their willingness to learn and be of service all contribute to a positive sense of community.

Voice of Singapore 2019 at CHIJMES

Thank you Amanda for sharing your experience and for being a part of Vox Camerata!

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the series featuring a member of the Tenor section.

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